Parents Struggle To Find Or Afford Summer Childcare

Most parents in the UK are struggling to find affordable childcare for the summer break, according to a new survey which shows average costs are still rising. The national childcare charity Daycare Trust wants extra funding to subsidise childcare in the summer break.

The report, compiled from responses by the Children’s Information Services (CIS), finds that shortages of places are increasing, and that costs are still too high for many parents. This year’s results reveal that more than half of the regional CIS say parents have difficulty finding affordable holiday childcare. Some of the areas where childcare is expensive, such as the east Midlands and the south-west, are low-income areas.

Daycare Trust also wants to publicise the fact that parents who receive tax credits are eligible for help with holiday childcare costs through the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit. This year 30% of CIS reported a fall in full-time places available for holiday childcare. And over half say that UK parents report a lack of affordable, quality childcare during the summer holiday.

The survey found the average weekly cost in England is £83.19. The areas with the highest typical weekly costs are the south-west (£97), south-east (£93), and the east Midlands (£92). The highest reported cost was £390 a child a week, or £2,340 for the entire break, a £165 rise on last year’s highest weekly cost and approximately £310 higher than this year’s national average.

However, the survey did show areas of improvement, particularly in the capital. Outer London, whose holiday costs have been steadily increasing over the past four years, has finally seen a reduction. The decrease is significant because it brings outer London’s costs very close to the national average. It also means that outer London is no longer the most expensive region in the country.

Another glimmer of hope is that the cost of holiday childcare in inner London continued to remain the lowest in England. Inner London’s daily and weekly average costs are both significantly below national averages. Westminster’s daily charge for full-time holiday childcare is £4 for working parents, £2 for non-working parents.

Emma Knights, joint chief executive of Daycare Trust, said: “Good holiday childcare is a necessity, not a luxury. But this survey shows what can be done in areas where the local authority recognises the burden that affording holiday childcare places on parents.

“We want all local authorities to follow the brilliant example being set by some of the most generous, and recognise that providing safe, stimulating places for children and teenagers to enjoy themselves in the summer holidays is a necessity, not a luxury.”

She added: “Good holiday childcare not only provides peace of mind for parents who work, it can also inspire young people to try new activities, and prevent the social problems that can arise when teenagers have not enough to do.” She singled out a collaboration involving the Jack Petchey Foundation, part-funded by the government and local authorities, which is running a summer scheme in 18 London boroughs.