Cornwall County Council Invests Additional £500,000 In Commissioning Social Care Services

Cornwall County Council is to spend an additional £500,000 commissioning social care services from voluntary organisations, charities and community groups throughout the county to improve the health and well being of the population and support people with low and moderate levels of need.

The Department of Adult Social Care already commissions £3.4 million of social care services for older people, people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or with mental health problems from the independent and voluntary sectors.  These include day services, meals, luncheon clubs, befriending schemes, information, advice and advocacy, home improvement, community transport and errands.

The additional funding is part of the Department’s Medium Term Financial Strategy to provide support to people affected by the withdrawal of services to those with moderate needs.

Nigel Walker ( Lib Dem, the Executive Member for Adults, said £100,00 will be used to support voluntary organisations to increase the number of skilled volunteers and paid staff, improve the cost effectiveness of services and promote local initiatives to increase the extent of ‘neighbourhood care’.  The remaining £400,000 will be used to increase levels of preventative services and to ensure standards of services are maintained and that there is value for money.

An independent panel, comprising representatives from the voluntary and independent sector, patient and user/carer representatives, the Faith Communities and the Department of Adult Social Care, will be set up to draw up the specification for the new services, which are due to begin in September.

Mr Walker said the County Council would be working more closely with Faith communities as part of the proposals.  “Faith communities in Cornwall make a considerable contribution to sustaining and improving the health and well being of local people” he said. “By their very nature they are very aware of vulnerable people in society and actively safeguard their welfare”.