GSCC Chief Executive On The Move
Rodney Brooke, Chair of the General Social Care Council (GSCC), announced today that Lynne Berry will be leaving the GSCC in September to take up the post of Chief Executive of the WRVS.
Rodney Brooke added “Lynne Berry has done an outstanding job for the GSCC over the last six years. “She created a new organisation which has delivered its agenda efficiently, to time and to budget. Because of Lynne, it has commanded widespread respect throughout the sector. The General Social Care Council and social care owe a great deal to her leadership. She is moving to a new and exciting challenge. We give her all our good wishes for the future.”
Lynne Berry said “The GSCC is one of the cornerstones of the revolution in social care. I feel enormously proud to have played a part in raising the status and standing of those who work in social care and I am confident that the GSCC will continue to contribute to the leadership of the sector and to making a difference to the lives of those who use social care services.”