Campaign Bid For More Foster Carers

Social Services in Bury, Lancashire, have launched a new campaign to recruit foster parents for young people aged 11 to 18. They hope that recently increased allowances will entice more adults to come forward.

The poster campaign is aimed at parents whose children have “flown the nest” and feel the house is empty. Bosses think that people who have enjoyed bringing up their own teenagers will want to continue to use the parenting skills they have.

Judith Longhill, director of social care and safeguarding, said carers were needed for youngsters on either a temporary or long-term basis. “These young people will have had difficult life experiences which will have affected them, so fostering will be challenging at times. But it is very rewarding to see young people flourish and move on to further education or employment.”

Foster carers are also needed for teenagers who arrive as asylum-seekers in this country, without their parents. They are usually very keen to learn English and to have a period of safety and security while their futures are decided.

Bury foster carers now receive £249 a week for a young person aged 11-15, and £271 a week for those aged 16-18. An additional £100 a week can also be paid where a young person is particularly challenging.