Association Of Directors Of Children’s Services: Budget Response
Directors of Children’s Services in England have welcomed all those aspects of today’s Budget Statement from the Chancellor which will help local authorities sustain their efforts to reduce and end child poverty.
But welcoming the increased investment in education, joint presidents of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services John Freeman and John Coughlan warned that government must not forget other important services for children. In particular youth services that provide places to go and things to do for young people, and preventive services like family support.
“Violent events in London and elsewhere over the past weeks have demonstrated beyond doubt that we neglect well conceived and well constructed services for young people in their teens at everyone’s peril,” they said.
“There is clear and unmistakable evidence that growing up in poverty seriously damages children’s life chances. Children from very poor families are known to achieve less during their school careers and be less likely to go on to college or university,” they said.
Meanwhile they are much MORE likely to:
- BE taken into care,
- FIND their way into the criminal justice system,
- FOLLOW unhealthy lifestyles,
- HAVE a poorly paid job in adult life.
- DIE prematurely
“Achieving high standards in a school environment which protects, supports, teaches and inspires young people is an effective route to ensuring that they all have better life chances. ADCS welcomes the extra investment in education services which the government has made available today.”