IDeA To Train 2,000 Local Commissioners

Ed Miliband, Minister for the Third Sector, has announced that the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) will run a £2million programme to help local authorities harness the potential of the third sector to improve people’s lives.

Working as a delivery partner with the Office of the Third Sector in the Cabinet Office, the IDeA will work with 2,000 commissioners from across the public sector – including staff in Jobcentre Plus, health authorities, the National Offender Management Service and local councils.

The programme aims to build understanding at a local level of third sector organisations and the unique benefits they can bring to the design and delivery of services.

The National Programme for Third Sector Commissioning – which was first announced in last December’s Partnership in Public Services action plan – will receive strategic direction from a steering group including representatives from the third sector and government.

Ed Miliband, Minister for the Third Sector, said: “To bring about genuine culture change we must foster greater understanding – particularly at local level – of the benefits third sector organisations can bring in delivering services that change people’s lives for the better.

“With their proven track record of working with local organisations to achieve practical improvements in services, I am delighted to welcome IDeA on board as a partner in shaping and delivering this important programme.”

Lucy de Groot, Executive Director of IDeA, said: “Councils and the wider public sector know that the third sector is crucial to meeting the ambitions local communities have for their future. That’s why the IDeA is so pleased to be partnering with the Office of the Third Sector to improve our capacity to deliver that future together.”