Social Work Bursary Transfers To NHS Business Services Authority
By 1 April 2007, the social work bursary and postgraduate bursary service will be transferred from the General Social Care Council (GSCC) to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).
The change follows a review undertaken by the Department of Health (DH) in 2004 of its Arms Length Bodies in 2004, of which the GSCC is one. The review concluded that all health and social care student bursaries should be administered by one single body, the NHSBSA.
The transfer is straightforward with the NHSBSA the new service administrator of the bursary scheme. From 1 April 2007, all enquiries on bursary matters and applications should be directed to the NHSBSA.
The GSCC and the NHSBSA have been working together with the Department of Health (DH) to ensure the transfer goes as smoothly as possible. The GSCC have sent relevant information about the transfer to all social work students, including postgraduate students, Higher Education Institutions, local authorities, relevant government departments and other relevant business stakeholders.
The information sent out details how the transfer will take affect, how the NHSBSA can be contacted from the 1 April 2007 and the logistics of when payments are being made to social work and postgraduate students and Higher Education Institutions.