Better Outcomes For Asylum Seekers – ADCS Response
A Taskforce devoted to looking at issues surrounding asylum seekers on behalf of Directors of Children’s Services has welcomed publication of the Home Office consultation document “Planning Better Outcomes and Support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children.”
The issues highlighted within the consultation document are of concern to all children’s services departments that provide care and support to unaccompanied asylum seeking children. According to the ADCS Taskforce, “local authorities have developed services in response to the needs of these children and young people and welcome the opportunity to discuss how better planning could reduce the demand on services within some areas of the country and improve the overall standard of services provided.
“We are concerned about the dangers faced by children and young people travelling alone to the UK. We share the concerns of the immigration authorities to ensure that the right services are provided to the right children and young people. And we welcome the opportunity to discuss more widely the nature of the services that should be provided to asylum seeking children and young people and in what circumstances.”
However; according to the Task Force leader “we want that debate to be clearly focused on the needs of these children and young people as well as their immigration status. Children’s services authorities are acutely aware of the financial implications of providing services to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and hope that the consultation paper will provide a means by which the funding of these services can be placed upon a more secure basis in the future.