Unveiled, Changes To The Way Elderly Are Cared For

Plans have been unveiled for a radical shake-up of mental health care for elderly people in Southampton. The proposals, which include the closure of wards and creating extra beds in other areas, will now be part of three month public consultation.

Hampshire Partnership Trust together with Southampton Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Hampshire PCT have launched the review. Martin Robinson, director of operations for Older People’s Mental Health services, said: “People spend less time in hospital now thanks to better community services and quicker transfers to the places best able to meet their individual needs.

“That means even though the population in this age range has increased some of our wards at the Western Community Hospital and Moorgreen Hospital are no longer full. We now have an opportunity to redress the balance and these proposals will allow us to make better use of existing patient resources and make extra investment in the community to further improve services. Both the Department of Health and the local PCTs recognise the need to provide care which helps people maintain independence.”

The Trust is inviting people to comment on the proposals which are detailed in the “Getting the Balance Right” consultation document. It will also be hosting a series of public meetings between now and April 25 2007 when the consultation ends.