Health Visitor Numbers ‘Falling’

The number of health visitors in England has fallen to its lowest level in 12 years, a trade union says. Amicus said there had been a 40% cut in training places for those workers and warned many cases of domestic abuse and post-natal depression may be missed.

The government has said health visitors have a key role to play in its policy of bringing healthcare closer to home. And it says the number of nurses in community care has risen by more than a third since 1997.

However, Amicus, which represents professionals working in the health, manufacturing, science and finance sectors, says some trusts are looking to replace health visitors with less well-qualified staff. It has been argued that the profession is in meltdown.

It says when you account for part-time working, numbers are at their lowest for 12 years. It says a squeeze on health budgets means training places have been cut by 40%.