Eye Health Alliance Criticises Government On Elderly Care Issues

Not enough is being done to assess sight conditions within elderly care structures, according to an adviser from Eye Health Alliance. Heather Marshall said that while she was pleased to see the issue of optometry come up in the latest report from the DoH, the government could be doing more to prevent cerebral diseases caused by poor sight by getting at the root of the cause earlier.

National director for older people, Professor Ian Philp, spoke in the report of the importance of reconfiguring specialist services to bring care closer to home.

He stated: “I see early intervention and assessment being applied to a range of conditions such as dementia, continence, vision, hearing, food care and oral health problems.”

Ms Marshall responded on Optician online, saying: “Although the report acknowledges the need for eye tests, if falls are being caused by poor eyesight, the importance of good vision in preventing falls in the first place is still not adequately being addressed.

“The report fails to address the crucial role eye care services play in maintaining a person’s independence, improving their quality of life and preventing accidents and falls,” she added.