Combined Skills Make A Force For Change
The merger in November 2006 of Enterprise 5 Housing Association and Nomad Homes to create NomadE5 Housing Association has brought together two of the most respected Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) into the Isos Housing Group.
Consisting of the new NomadE5, Milecastle Housing Associations and shortly, Castle Morpeth Housing Association, the Isos Group will soon provide some 11,500 urban and rural homes with a combined turnover in excess of £33m, and is one of the largest housing groups in the region.
As such, the group has combined the skills and resources of highly experienced personnel to manage the many varied aspects of housing provision, including the provision of Care & Support services, problems of rural social housing, private ownership, development and community regeneration.
Crucially, the group also leads the NEET Partnership, a consortium of seven of the Northern region’s leading housing associations, which is one of the housing corporation’s principal development partners to deliver new and refurbished housing. NEET’s work with local authorities and business partners has established it as a major agent of regeneration and development in the North- East.
Keith Loraine, group chief executive, said: “It’s no exaggeration to say that the group has grown at a rate which was quite inconceivable at the time of its launch in August 2005. We’ve brought together a range of complementary skills to create a greater force for change in the provision of social housing.
“Enterprise 5, for example, was the first association in the region to employ dedicated mental health workers, and has long been recognised as setting the standards for the provision of care and support. In November, they achieved the highest possible score of straight ŒA’s in all nine categories from an inspection by the Supporting People organisation.
“Nomad Homes, meanwhile, was well known for its expertise in shared ownership schemes, whilst Milecastle, covering a huge area of rural Northumberland had built an enviable reputation for meeting the challenges of rural housing problems.
“By coming together, we are therefore not only able to benefit from economies of scale and improved efficiencies to deliver better value for money and better services for tenants, but we’re able to pool resources and knowledge to face the challenges the future brings.
“We aim to be the most efficient, cost-effective and high performing RSL Group in the North-East – a first class tenant-focused housing group excelling in the field of regeneration, rural and supported housing. However, we will also never forget the reason for our existence which is to provide a constantly improving service to our tenants.”