Parents Face £1,500 Bill To Keep A Child At Nursery

Thousands of parents face paying up to £1,500 extra to send their children to nursery. Under the current system, many nurseries, which receive a state grant to provide 12.5 hours of free childcare a week, charge top-up fees to cover staff and administration costs.

But a growing number of councils are banning them from doing so, meaning many may have to increase fees for childcare outside the free entitlement.

Some nurseries may have to go entirely private – forcing parents to meet the full cost. If this happens, parents will lose out on free childcare worth between £400 and £500 per child per term or £1,500 a year.

Darrell King, of the Save Our Nurseries campaign, said: ‘There is a crisis in the private nursery industry because of what the Government is doing.

‘While encouraging parents to return to work, it is annihilating the very industry they will depend on.’

Many nurseries receive a grant to allow them to offer parents of three and four-year-old children 12.5 hours of free care a week – 2.5 hours a day – for 38 weeks a year.

But a survey from the National Day Nurseries Association shows 73 per cent of providers do not get enough to cover their costs.

A third were found to be losing more than £5 per 2.5 hour session, totalling £50,000 a year.

Until recently, local authorities have ignored ‘ambiguous’ Government guidance urging against nurseries using top-up fees to cover costs.

But since ministers clarified last year that such charges must not be imposed, growing numbers of councils are drawing up contracts with nurseries explicitly banning the fees.

The shake-up could have implications for almost 20,000 private and volunteer-run nurseries and playgroups. Many are already operating at or close to break-even.

According to the NDNA survey, representing private and voluntary nurseries, more than one in seven fear they will be forced to go entirely private, with parents meeting the full cost of nursery care.

Four in ten providers revealed they expect to have to pass on extra costs to parents by raising fees for childcare outside the 12.5 hours free entitlement.

Meanwhile, 27 per cent said they would try to absorb the losses themselves, risking a drop in standards or even closure.

‘Parents simply cannot afford to pay more in fees’ the report warned.

It also claimed the Government funds nursery places at its own Sure Start children’s centres at a higher rate than private providers.

Some critics believe the top-up fee ban will force thousands more children to attend these state-run centres. There are currently 1,000 – but Chancellor Gordon Brown wants 3,500 across the country by 2010.

Miss King, who runs the Old School House nursery in Headcorn, near Ashford, Kent, said: ‘If the nursery their children are attending pulls out of the funding scheme, the parents lose out on up to £1,500 a year.

‘This begs the question whether it is viable for parents to work.

‘Alternatively, what could happen is that the hourly rate outside the two-and-a-half hours will have to go up. Parents who are working and use nurseries for longer hours will pay the price for that.

‘Some nurseries will be forced to close as they cannot afford to run at a loss and those that stay open will have to make internal decisions about where to cut costs, which could affect quality.

‘The Government is asking us to manufacture a Mercedes and sell it at the same price as a Skoda. This amounts to a stealth tax.’

The rule change will not affect those whose children go to nurseries attached to state primary schools.

Tory education spokesman David Willetts claimed the Government is putting ideology ahead of the interests of parents.

‘It is important that there is as great a range as possible of nursery provision,’ he said.

An Education Department spokesman said the Government is investing more than £3billion a year to help support private and voluntary sector providers.

He added: ‘It has always been against the code of practice to charge parents anything for the free entitlement.

‘It would be an extreme reaction for any provider to pull out of the system entirely and local authorities should be making sure that there is adequate places and that the funding is provided equitably.’