Social Services To Get Multi-Million Pound Boost
Millions of pounds could be spent on the modernisation of social services in Luton. The news comes after a year when – because of budget constraints – the council cut back on its social services care, particularly in care for the elderly and vulnerable.
The eligibility criteria for those who qualified for care was changed to cut down on numbers and save money. There were also closures of three elderly people’s homes.
But tomorrow night the council’s executive committee will be asked to rubber stamp investing £5 million in adult social care.
Luton Borough Council spokeswoman Lisa Levy told this newspaper: “We are investing this money because demand for adult social services continues to increase. This is in line with the national picture and is largely due to the fact that people are living longer these days.
“Plus, most of our older customers want to live in their own homes, not care homes. So this £5 million will provide a range of schemes, including sheltered accommodation, and improvement to some of our existing residential accommodation.”