Fifth Of CVs ‘Contain Major Lies’
A fifth of CVs submitted for job applications contain significant lies, such as exaggerated academic qualifications, a survey suggests. The study of more than 3,700 CVs submitted for jobs this year was conducted by employee screening specialists, The Risk Advisory Group.
Other discrepancies found included exaggerated employment histories and the failure to declare bankruptcies.
The Risk Advisory Group said it showed how unscrupulous some people could be.
“This year’s results have yet again brought to our attention how unscrupulous candidates can be when applying for jobs, and highlight their apparent lack of conscience towards potential new employers,” said The Risk Advisory Group’s head of employee screening, Sal Remtulla.
“The serious nature of these discrepancies emphasises the need for heightened attention during the recruitment process.”
The survey found that more than 50% of the screened CVs included one or more inaccuracy.
It discovered candidates who lied about the university they went to, others who hid criminal records and County Court judgements for unpaid debts.