Care Home Manager In Court Over Thefts

Former care home manager Donald Andrasi has been charged with stealing from people with learning disabilities. Andrasi, 39, has been accused of siphoning off cash to the total value of £1,480 from two residents of the Rosewood care facility in Milton on nine different occasions between June 2003 and August 2005. Andrasi, of Chapman Court, Cambridge, spoke only to confirm his name and address when he appeared at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.

Rosewood is a home for adults with learning disabilities on Edmund Close, Milton, run by Cambridge Mencap, a charity for people with learning disabilities and their parents and carers. It is affiliated to Mencap, the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults. Cambridge Mencap provides homes for more than 40 people with learning disabilities.

According to the charity’s website, residents of Rosewood “tend to be of a more mature age group”, between 50 and 75. The website reads: “Rosewood has an established and committed staff team who offer a high standard of care, both emotional and physical. Although most residents need a little extra help with personal needs we accept that new residents may well be used to being more independent.

“Another advantage of Rosewood is the 24-hour staffing, which includes waking night staff. This gives residents added peace of mind, as help is at hand day and night.”

Garry Simcox, chief executive of Cambridge Mencap, said: “As a result of a police investigation, a former member of our staff, Mr Don Andrasi, has been charged with theft and the matter is now being dealt with by the courts.”

The case was adjourned until Thursday, October 12.