Well Being Nurses For Mental Health Services

Mental health services are to start hiring “well-being” nurses to work with their patients. The government announced plans for a drive to boost the physical health of the mentally ill – who tend to suffer from high rates of heart disease and diabetes. They are also four times as likely as others to die from lung and other related diseases. Some £7 million will be divided between 88 primary care trusts to employ the first of the specialist nurses. The department of health said the idea had been tested successfully in eight areas over the last two years.

Health minister Rosie Winterton said: “Your mental and physical health are both equally important; the state of one affects the other. We know that that people with severe mental health problems are more likely to die prematurely because of poor physical health, and we also know that physical activity and a balanced diet can help to maintain and protect people’s mental well-being.

“This means making patients more aware of the healthy choices they can make and providing them with the support they need to improve their health.”