Vast Majority Of Childcare Providers Keep Children Safe And Healthy
‘Early Years: Safe and Sound’ reveals that the vast majority of registered childcare providers are keeping children safe and healthy. Inspectors found that 97% of the 25,000 childcare providers inspected between April 2005 and March 2006 were satisfactory or better at ensuring children are safe and protected from harm. In the same period 98% of providers were satisfactory or better at helping children to be healthy. In April 2005 changes were made to the early years inspection system, which for the first time, allowed nurseries, childminders and other day care providers to achieve the outstanding grade. One in 50 providers inspected this year were judged to be outstanding overall.
In addition, one in 25 providers inspected were judged to be outstanding at keeping children safe and one in 20 (5%) were judged to be outstanding at helping children to be healthy.
Outstanding providers understand that the safety and wellbeing of children is paramount. These providers operate clear child safety procedures which are made better available to parents. Planned activites are used to help children develop their understanding of how to keep safe.
Outstanding providers also ensure that children develop an excellent understanding of the links between healthy eating and healthy living and work closely with parents and others to ensure children eat healthily.
The report also shows how providers have improved after inspection and is intended to be used as a tool by providers to help them review their practice and improve still further the outcomes for children.