Launch of Capacitybuilders at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham

On Monday 3 April 2006 10 for 11.00 am, Capacitybuilders is to be launched at the International Convention Centre Birmingham on Monday 3 April by Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Home Office, Paul Goggins MP.

Capacitybuilders is a new agency which will work in partnership with government and other bodies to help voluntary and community organisations work more effectively.

Capacitybuilders is led by experts from the community and voluntary sector and will initially be funded from the Home Office. The first task of Capacitybuilders will be to manage the £70 million Change Up programme, a major investment in support for voluntary and community organisations

Former government Minister Chris Pond is to Chair the Capacitybuilders board and Simon Hebditch, formerly with the Charities Aid Foundation is Chief Executive.

Paul Goggins MP will speak at the launch shortly after 11.00 am.