Staff in social work teams employed by Lancashire County Council to go on strike

Staff in social work teams are to strike for five days from Friday in a dispute over salary grades and working cover.

Around 200 social care support officers and hearing impairment officers employed by Lancashire County Council will take part in the strike, following four days of action last month.

Unison said its members have “reluctantly” decided to strike.

Social worker shortages country-wide and increasing demand across the county means their role has expanded significantly over the past decade, said the union.

Unison added that the support staff were often used in place of social workers, but without receiving any more pay.

Unison’s North West regional organiser James Rupa said: “Over the years, Lancashire County Council has relied on the dedication and hard work of social care support officers, expecting them to deliver vital services while working above their pay grade.

“The council has taken advantage of their expertise and good nature, effectively obtaining social work services on the cheap.”

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