Social care among public services ‘broken’ by the Conservatives – union leader

Public services have been “driven into the ground” because of years of under-investment by Conservative governments, according to a senior union leader.

Christina McAnea (pictured), general secretary of Unison, told the union’s annual conference in Brighton on Wednesday that everyone has suffered over the past 14 years of “Tory chaos and cuts”.

She said: “The UK’s had a revolving door of clueless prime ministers and Cabinet members who’ve made political choices that exacerbated the cost-of-living crisis and allowed living standards to plummet.

“Social care is beyond broken. Its shortcomings are having an appalling impact on other public services, especially the NHS.”

She told delegates that Labour’s plans for a national care service will be a “life-changer”, including a fair-pay agreement to raise wage rates across the sector.

“At a stroke, it will make working in care a more attractive option and help deliver rewarding jobs that will be worth keeping.

“Anyone who cares about public services will want to see a change of government in Westminster.

“Since 2010, the Conservatives have broken the UK’s public services and threatened all our futures.

“The public are fed-up with decades of under-investment in public services and those services being driven into the ground.

“The election is an opportunity to put an end to years of disastrous and divisive Tory rule.”

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