Man locked up indefinitely for killing fellow resident at mental health facility

A violent offender who beat a fellow resident to death at a home for people with mental health conditions has been locked up indefinitely in hospital.

Rajinder Pall, 45, had 38 convictions including for sexual assault and common assault at the time he killed 60-year-old John Hallissey on January 2 2023.

On Tuesday, he denied murder but pleaded guilty of manslaughter after experts agreed he was suffering from an episode of schizophrenia at the time.

Pall also admitted being in breach of a suspended sentence for harassment and common assault.

Prosecutor Jacqueline Carey KC said the pleas were acceptable to the Crown and asked for the murder charge to lie on file.

Opening the facts, Ms Carey said the victim and Pall both had schizophrenia and were living at Imperial Lodge (pictured) in Hayes, west London, which provides assisted living accommodation for people with mental health conditions.

A manager described Pall as “one of the best clients ever” although he occasionally drank alcohol and had tested positive one or two times for cocaine and cannabis, the court heard.

A team leader at the home also noted he had on occasion been aggressive, breaking chairs and hitting walls.

On the day of the killing, Pall had taken his medication and had been seen “happily chatting” with the victim as they smoked outside at around 11pm.

At about 11.39pm, Mr Hallissey was set upon after he knocked on Pall’s door.

CCTV footage played in court showed the victim appear to flinch and move backwards before being punched in the head and put in a headlock.

Ms Carey said: “Mr Hallissey fell to the floor, was punched a number of further times to the head and appeared to lose consciousness.

“Mr Pall then lent on Mr Hallissey’s neck for approximately one minute, nine seconds.”

A member of staff attempted to intervene and saw Pall was “very angry” and “focused on hurting”, she said.

Ms Carey went on: “When Mr Pall stood up, he then stood on Mr Hallissey’s torso and stamped on his chest.”

During the attack, Pall was heard by another resident to say “what you f-ing doing”, “what, are you f-ing taking the piss out of me” and “don’t mess with me”.

Emergency services were called at 11.42pm and Mr Hallissey was pronounced dead shortly after 1am.

As he was arrested, Pall said: “He pricked me with needles in my arm, heroin injections in my arm whilst I was sleeping.”

A post-mortem examination found the victim died from compression of the neck.

The court was told Pall had 18 convictions for 38 offences including robbery, shoplifting, attempted burglary and common assault.

He was convicted of two offences of sexual assault, with the one in 2016 resulting in a hospital order, the court heard.

In a victim impact statement read to the court, Mr Hallissey’s sister Bernadette Eaves said he was “good humoured, kind and thoughtful”.

She said that she hoped he “did not suffer for long” and “lessons will be learned” from what happened.

Judge Mark Lucraft KC imposed a hospital order with restrictions, which he said may continue indefinitely.

Addressing Pall, who attended court by video link from Broadmoor hospital, the judge said: “This is a very sad case. Remorse is expressed on your behalf for what you did to John.

“I’m entirely satisfied the appropriate way to deal with you is by making a hospital order with restrictions.”

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