Call for Contributions: Safeguarding Across Transitions – Learning from each other
Research in Practice and their partners are interested to understand how councils are trying to enable closer and more fluid working between adult safeguarding and children’s safeguarding.
Colleagues are in particular keen to hear how young adults who have been previously known to Children’s Services are being worked with. These young adults may have had a traumatic history of sexual abuse and neglect, have either a learning disability/difficulty and may have difficulties forming secure attachments. They can be at heightened risk of sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, and often there is a history of mental health difficulties and substance misuse.
They would like to hear examples of implementing closer working arrangements between Children’s and Adults’ Services, so that more effective safeguarding measures can be implemented at as early an opportunity as possible. For example:
- Have you trialled a safeguarding team for (e.g.) 15-21 year olds?
- Do you offer adult services before the age of 18, to enable fluid transitions?
- Do you have a transitions service that bridges that gap?
- Do you have children’s and adult safeguarding systems and processes that are aligned?
Please send any examples and suggestions that they can share to [email protected], and they will publish an overview at a later date.