Survey: Review of the SVQs in Healthcare Support (Clinical & Non-Clinical)

The SVQs in Healthcare Support are approaching 5 years old. To ensure they remain fit for purpose and reflect the needs of Scottish employers, learners and the public, Skills for Health is leading a review of the qualification structures, the assessment strategy and the associated Modern Apprenticeship.

A Reference Group convened by Skills for Health, comprising employers from NHS Boards, independent sector, NHS Education Scotland, Skills Development Scotland and SQA has already commenced the review.

They would now like to gather wider opinions which will be used to directly inform the shape of the SVQs and the Modern Apprenticeship for the next 5 years.

An on-line consultation survey has been chosen as the best way to give access to a maximum number of stakeholders. You can respond as an individual or on behalf of a larger organisation. The survey is open now and will remain open until 18th September.

The survey can be found here and will take around 20 minutes to complete.