New ‘statement of intent’ sets out BASW’s vision for social work
The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) has launched its newly agreed 2020 Vision for the future of the Association. In this statement of intent, BASW, the member-led professional association for social workers, sets out its aim to be the strong independent voice of social work and social workers.
This statement of the Association’s vision and aims was developed on the basis of member survey and consultation, and builds on the Association’s 45-year history as an independent body representing social workers across the UK.
BASW Chair Guy Shennan (pictured), who presented the vision to the English members’ conference in Sheffield yesterday, said: “To speak out and to speak up for social work and for social workers has never been more necessary than today. Not just in England, where the closure of the College of Social Work has come like a hammer blow on top of reports of low morale, savage austerity measures and an increasingly target-driven direction for statutory services, but across all the countries of the UK.
“We stand united by our Code of Ethics, and by our stand against austerity and the denial of human dignity and rights. We believe that our intention to build a ‘strong independent voice for social work and social workers’ expresses the aspirations of the whole profession, and will provide cause for hope and optimism for the future at a time when these are most needed.”
The publication of the Association’s vision statement comes at a time when the closure of the Westminster government-funded College of Social Work, set up in 2012, has just been announced.
BASW Chief Executive Bridget Robb said: “We believe that this vision – based on continuing to strengthen our independence and our voice – will have resonance with our members and with many others beyond. It is clear from government announcements and actions since the election how much this voice is needed. And the strength and independence of our voice is underpinned by the steady growth in our membership over recent years.”
To read the vision statement, click here.