Resources: Dementia Awareness Week podcasts and Twitter chats

To mark Dementia Awareness Week (18–24 May 2015), the National Skills Academy (NSA) for Health are releasing a series of podcasts in which a panel of experts will discuss key dementia care issues.

You can discuss the themes and topics highlighted in the each podcast via live daily twitter chats. Dementia experts, including UCL Partners and NHS Employers, are taking part in the Twitter chats to debate the issues and answer your questions.

Podcast recordings will be available from 9am every day with the live twitter chat following between 12.30pm and 1.30pm.

Click on the links below to submit a question for the podcast and to have a link to the podcast recording sent direct to your inbox.

Dementia Awareness – Monday 18th May

The first podcast provides an overview of dementia. There are around 800,000 people with dementia in the UK; estimates suggest that around 400,000 people have dementia but do not know it. The podcast will help listeners develop a practical knowledge and understanding of dementia and help them learn how to interact with people by developing an understanding of what does and doesn’t help.

Register here to ask a question or have a link to the podcast delivered to your inbox.

Advanced Care Planning – Tuesday 19th May

This podcast looks at advance care planning and when it should occur. Discover some of the key challenges and benefits as we discuss a real life case study.

Register here to ask a question or have a link to the podcast delivered to your inbox.

Dementia Friendly Hospitals – Wednesday 20th May

The third podcast looks at dementia friendly hospitals. Hear what you can do to make your hospital more dementia friendly and listen to best practice examples from people who have led work in their areas.

Register here to ask a question or have a link to the podcast delivered to your inbox.

Working with Care Homes – Thursday 21st May

This podcast looks at partnership working with care homes. Listen in and explore how organisations are working together to avoid unplanned admissions and crises.

Register here to ask a question or have a link to the podcast delivered to your inbox.

Life after Diagnosis – Friday 22nd May

The fifth podcast considers life after diagnosis. Hear about ways to improve care following a diagnosis of dementia and explore resources, products and organisations that can help you, including My Brain Book, the Alzheimer’s Society, Sporting Memories and OOMPH.

Register here to ask a question or have a link to the podcast delivered to your inbox.