Report: Accessing technology in Scotland’s health and social services

The SSSC, in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland (NES), NHS24, and the Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare (SCTT), recently commissioned research into the extent the health and social care workforce access technology to support learning and improve service delivery.

The research was designed to provide an analysis of the current staff to access to technology, technology sklls and support in using technology across Scotland’s health and social services.  It provides a baseline against which progress in developing technology enabled learning, and the use of technology to support improvement and transformation in health and social care services, can be measured.

The technology considered included personal computers, laptops and mobile phones as well as devices for telehealth/care or designed to promote independent living.

Thirty per cent of respondents said they did not have access to the resources needed because access is blocked on their workplace computer and 37 per cent said that they had very poor mobile phone/wifi coverage in their work area.  Eighty per cent were clear that technology is helpful, although there are concerns about limited network access and suitable devices.