Report: Social Services in Scotland: A Shared Vision and Strategy 2015 – 2020
The Scottish Government along with key stakeholders have jointly developed ‘Social Services in Scotland: A Shared Vision and Strategy 2015 – 2020’, a new report outling a five-year plan for the sector.
The strategy has been developed by the Social Work Services Strategic Forum, chaired by the Minister for Children and Young People with members including SWS, SSSC, Cosla, the Care Inspectorate, CCPS, SASW, SOLACE, UNISON and the Scottish Government.
The vision is for “a socially just Scotland with excellent social services delivered by a skilled and valued workforce which works with others to empower, support and protect people, with a focus on prevention, early intervention and enablement.”
The strategy represents “a strong commitment to working in partnership across organisations and with government to deliver this vision for high quality and effective social services. It is also supportive of the Government policy on having in place a social services workforce which is competent, confident and valued.”
Download the report from the link below (PDF).