Report: John Kennedy’s care home inquiry

The final report of a personal inquiry into the crisis in UK care homes for older people.

Between May 2013 and May 2014, John Kennedy, the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust’s Director of Care Services, carried out an inquiry to discover how to address the crisis in the UK’s care homes, and to find out what makes a good care home.

During John’s inquiry, which built on existing JRF research, he spoke to a range of people involved in the care sector, and used social media to broaden the range of views.

This report:

  • seeks to achieve an open and evidence-informed debate around how to improve life in care homes for older people;
  • encourages sensible, streamlined and co-produced approaches to paperwork in care homes;
  • suggests principles and makes recommendations for regulators, commissioners and providers so that care homes are good places for people to live and work in.