Report: SCIE Mental Capacity Act and care planning
This new SCIE report outlines how commissioners and care providers can embed the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) into care and support planning. Care planning is a key mechanism for ensuring that the MCA is implemented in social care.
The report contains examples of evidence to illustrate what MCA-compliant care planning might look like. These examples are intended to be used as prompts. Not all of these prompts will be relevant to every situation, so you will need to pick and mix. Some of the evidence will be found in the care and support plan itself; other evidence may be in the care planning assessment documentation or may be gleaned from conversations with staff, users and/or their relatives/carers.
Baroness Barker of the House of Lords Select Committee on the MCA has welcomed the report as a valuable contribution to the important work of making the Mental Capacity Act a reality.