Consultation: Welsh Gov 10 year plan for childcare workforce

The Welsh Government is consulting on a draft 10 year plan for the early years, childcare and play workforce in Wales.

The Government want a highly skilled early years, childcare and play workforce for the future that:

  •     is highly regarded (a career of choice)
  •     understands how children learn and develop
  •     structures activities and time to support all children to develop to their full potential
  •     are proactive learners in their own right
  •     is bilingual.

In ‘Building a Brighter Future: Early Years and Childcare Plan’, the Welsh Government committed to consult on the right approach for the early years, childcare and play workforce in Wales in respect of minimum qualification levels, graduate leadership, continuing professional development (CPD) and career pathways.

The draft plan sets out their proposed 10 year strategic plan for this workforce. The draft plan also responds to workforce and training recommendations from two independent reports: An independent stocktake of the Foundation Phase in Wales (Foundation Phase Stocktake), led by Professor Iram Siraj, and Independent review of childcare and early education registration, regulation and inspection (Graham Review), led by Professor Karen Graham.

This consultation closes on December 15.

To learn more or to respond to the consultation visit the link below.