New safeguarding training resources for Welsh care workers
The Care Council for Wales (CCW) has launched a new set of resources designed to secure positive outcomes for children and adults across Wales.
The ‘Basic Safeguarding Awareness Training Pack’ is the result of a partnership between the Care Council for Wales, WCVA, and local authority social services, using the best of the learning programmes already available to develop one agreed national programme.
CCW Director of Learning and Development, Roberta Hayes, said: “This pack is built on hard work and inspiration from a wide range of people and provides a basic foundation of knowledge in safeguarding across Wales for public services, third sector and communities.”
The training pack is aligned to the Social Care Induction Framework Quality Assured Lifelong Learning Unit and this gives an added advantage should organisations choose to accredit the learning.
Partners involved in developing and piloting the pack discussed its aims, features and benefits at yesterday’s launch at The Optic, St Asaph. The event also featured a Question and Answer session with participants who have piloted the training.
The materials have been piloted across a range of third sector groups and local authority settings. This has enabled the development of a robust training pack that reflects the Wales policy agenda and context of practice. It promotes ethical and person-centred safeguarding practice and promotes the message that safeguarding is everyone’s business.
The pack will be supported by a digital, mobile learning resource, to help remind people of the key messages wherever they are.
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