New book – Responding to sexual violence & offending
A new book examined public, social, and governmental understandings and responses to sexual violence.
Sexual violence is a high-profile, complex and emotive issue which has become central to national and international discourses surrounding risk and risk management, child protection, human rights, criminal justice policy and public protection in modern society.
This unique collection brings together a range of international contributors from multiple disciplines to discuss the current public, social and governmental understandings and responses to sexual violence.
Exploring a variety of issues, including the management of sexual offending and new and adaptive ways of rehabilitating and reintegrating sex offenders, this volume examines sexual violence policy, practice, theory and research across a range of different types of sexual offences.
It closely explores the relationship between the state, public and practitioner community to create a rounded, societal view of sexual offending, with recommendations of how to facilitate better community engagement and ultimately reduce (re)offending.