One in three children split up from siblings in foster care

A third of UK children (3,582) have been separated from their brothers and sisters when placed in foster care during the last financial year, according to childrens charity, Action for Children.

Splitting siblings can ignite feelings of loss and abandonment which can affect emotional and mental health. They increase the risk of unstable foster placements and poor performance at school, as well as further problems in adulthood, such as difficulty finding a job, drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness or criminal activity.

In a poll, more than half of children who have been split up from their siblings and live in foster care said they felt ‘upset and angry’ on the issue of being split up from their siblings.

Sir Tony Hawkhead, chief executive of Action for Children, said: “For many children, being taken into care can be a confusing and upsetting time; add the distress of being split up from your brother or sister into the mix and the impact will last a lifetime.

“Nobody wants to separate brothers and sisters, but there simply aren’t enough foster carers who can look after for siblings. By arming ourselves with a pool of dedicated people who can provide a loving and caring home to groups of children we will avoid breaking more young hearts in the future.

“We know that in some cases children can be so badly hurt by what has happened to them before going into care, including severe neglect and abuse, that they need one–to-one support.  In the vast majority of cases, however, siblings benefit hugely by staying together and that’s why we need more foster carers to help them.”