Scottish Children’s Reporter publishes latest statistics

The Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) has published its latest set of statistics. The new figures show that in 2013/14, 19,077 children and young people in Scotland were referred to the Reporter.

Specifically, these were as follows:

  •     17,476 on non-offence (care and protection) grounds
  •     2,764 on offence grounds

The figure of 19,077 represents 2.1% of all children and young people in Scotland. Within this, 1.9% of all children and young people were referred on care and protection grounds and 0.6% of all children and young people aged between eight and 16 years were referred on offence grounds.

The SCRA continues to see proportional increases in very young children referred to the Reporter. In 2013/14, 14.5% of all children and young people referred were aged under two. 2013/14 also saw a continuation in the high numbers of children and young people with Child Protection Orders (CPOs) received, with 734 having CPOs in the year.

In 2013/14, 3,100 children and young people had a new Compulsory Supervision Order (CSO) made on grounds referred, with  11,420 children and young people subject to CSOs at 31 March 2014. This amounts to 1.3% of all children and young people in Scotland.

To see the full set of statistics, visit: