Social worker suspended over affair with service user

Social worker Sarah Madelynne Farrell has been suspended from the HCPC Register for forming an inappropriate relationship with a service user whilst working at Manchester City Council.

A panel of the HCPC Conduct and Competence Committee heard that Sarah Madelynne Farrell developed a personal relationship with the father of Child A only a few months after Child A’s file had been closed.

The Panel further heard that when Sarah Madelynne Farrell’s relationship with Child A’s father came to light, the Council launched an investigation into her conduct in the case, which uncovered a number of failings. On three occasions, she failed to record or disclose information about Child A’s father’s domestic violence, court appearances and his police cautions for assault.

Although the Panel did not find that this stemmed from any improper motive, these omissions had the potential to put Child A at risk. She also failed to close the case as instructed and continued to visit Child A and his father, which the Panel found was probably for the purpose of perusing her personal interest.

Panel Chair William Nelson commented:“Although the registrant has demonstrated some insight, it is not sufficient yet to provide reassurance that there could be no repetition of such a serious lapse of judgment.

“Accordingly, it is the view of the Panel that the Registrant’s fitness to practice is currently impaired…until she can demonstrate that she has developed a full understanding of how she should exercise her judgment in relation to professional boundaries in the future.”

The Panel decided the most appropriate action was to suspend Sarah Madelynne Farrell from the Register for a period of 12 months with an Interim Suspension Order in place to cover the appeal period.

Sarah Madelynne Farrell was present for part of the hearing and was represented by a solicitor throughout.