NICE Consultation: Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people
A review is being undertaken to decide whether the public health guidance on ‘Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people’ (PH4) should be updated.
All registered stakeholders are invited to comment on the provisional review decision via this website during a 2 week consultation with stakeholders.
Organsiations not registered as stakeholders are not able to comment.
How to register as a stakeholder
Please note – the provisional review decision presented here does not constitute NICE’s formal decision on this topic. The decision is provisional and may change after consultation.
This consultation will take place between 14 February – 28 February 2014
Consultation Documents
Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people (PH4): Review proposal consultation document
Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people (PH4): Consultation on the review proposal: Stakeholder comments form
The process
This is a brief summary of how NICE reviews published public health guidance:
1. Stakeholders register interest
Relevant stakeholders are asked to register for the topic under review. Stakeholders are consulted as part of the review process.
Read more about stakeholder registration.
2. Review process begins
A meeting is held with an expert panel consisting of members of the original advisory committee that developed the guidance. They will consider whether there is any significant new evidence which has emerged or any significant changes in service configuration since publication which would lead to the need to reconsider the original recommendations.
3. Review proposal prepared
The proposal will outline a summary of the key factors that have influenced the decision.
4. Consultation on the review proposal
This is a period for registered stakeholders to comment on the review proposal and feed back into the final review decision.
5. Final proposal produced
The NICE Guidance Executive makes the final determination on whether NICE will be updating the guidance on the basis of any new evidence, and changes to service configuration and stakeholder feedback
6. Review decision issued
NICE formalises the review decision on the website.
How to submit your comments
Please provide any comments on the draft review proposal using the Stakeholder Comments Form (ensuring all relevant fields are completed, including your organisation’s name). Please forward the form by 5pm on Friday 28 February 2014 at the very latest to [email protected]
If a stakeholder wishes to draw our attention to published literature, please supply the full reference.
The Institute is unable to accept:
- More than one response per stakeholder organisation
- Comments received after the consultation deadline
- Comments that are not completed on a stakeholder comments form
- Confidential information or other material that you would not wish to be made public
Comments forms with attachments such as research articles, letters or leaflets. If comments forms do have attachments they will be returned without being read. If the stakeholder resubmits the form without attachments, it must be by the consultation deadline.
What will happen to your comments?
All comments (with the exception of personal, individual comments and late comments) will be sent to the project team at the end of the consultation
Comments from registered stakeholders will be formally responded to by the project team and posted on the NICE website after the final guidance is published.
No action will be taken upon receipt of personal, individual comments and late comments.
You should receive an automated acknowledgement from the email box when you email your comments. If you do not receive this acknowledgement, please contact [email protected] to ensure your comments have been safely received.
PLEASE NOTE: The Institute reserves the right to summarise and edit comments received duringconsultations, or not to publish them at all, where in the reasonable opinion of the Institute, the comments are voluminous, publication would be unlawful or publication would be otherwise inappropriate.
Anticipated review decision date: (March 2014)