Devon hires external social workers to deal with child abuse backlog

A specialist team of social workers has been brought in to deal with a backlog of reports of potential abuse and neglect of children in Devon.

According to the BBC, a letter from the Devon Safeguarding Children Board said there were 1,500 cases, but Devon County Council said that had now been cut to 570.

Fifteen social workers who specialise in child protection have been bought in with the aim of clearing the backlog “within the next couple of months”.

The council added that urgent cases were being prioritised and the backlog consisted of those considered to be less serious.

The concern centres on the Exeter-based Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), which investigates reports raising concerns that children may be suffering abuse, are at risk of harm, or are being neglected.

On average, it receives 1,300 calls a month, according to Devon County Council.

The letter said: “This is a very difficult time for all concerned and there have been high levels of demand falling particularly on children’s social care.

“However, the safety of children should not be compromised and it is the duty of all professionals to escalate matters if there they have specific serious concerns about the safety of children and young people.”

The centre is run by staff from the NHS, education and social services and was set up in response to criticism that agencies were not working closely enough together in child protection.

In May, Devon’s Child Protection Services were rated ‘inadequate’ by the regulator, OFSTED.

In response the council set up an independent panel to oversee an improvement in services.