How is the health and social care system performing? January 2014

While our analysis of key performance data in the latest quarterly monitoring report shows that NHS performance is holding up well, the survey findings from finance directors working in the health and social care sectors suggest that financial pressures are increasing.

More than 1 in 5 hospitals are set to be in deficit by the end of this financial year – a finding higher than our previous surveys and showing the financial pressures that hospitals are currently facing.

NHS commissioners are more optimistic, but more than a third of directors of adult social services are forecasting deficits, as they face severe cuts to local authority budgets.

The data analysis in January’s quarterly monitoring report shows that the NHS is holding up well; with most waiting times targets being met, suggesting that hospitals are coping with winter pressures, so far.

This quarter’s report also highlights the issues of delayed transfers of care, which have come under the spotlight recently. James Thompson explores the data behind the recent headlines in his audio-slideshow.

How is the health and social care system performing? Janaury 2014 is the tenth of The King’s Fund’s regular quarterly monitoring reports.