Present on Admission consultation extended
The HSCIC has extended the consultation period on a draft list of conditions to be included in a proposed ‘Present on Admission flag’.
There are a number of conditions that, whilst preventable, can be acquired in hospitals and have an adverse effect on a patients morbidity and/or involve substantial financial cost to the hospital. Analysis of these conditions is currently difficult as it is not always known whether a condition has been acquired during the patients stay or was present at the time of admission to the hospital.
If introduced a Present on admission flag could enable identification of conditions that were acquired by patients during their stay and those that existed prior to admission. This would enable better analysis of these conditions, helping to attribute the condition to the appropriate timeframe and in turn identify good practice.
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) is working with key stakeholders, including the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and Care Quality Commission (CQC) to define a candidate list of Present on Admission conditions and associated guidance. They are keen to hear from stakeholders, particularly clinicians and healthcare specialists.
The consultation has now been extended until Sunday 28 July to enable as wide a range of stakeholders to respond as possible.
More information is available here: