Dementia hub launched by East Sussex County Council
A new online ‘one-stop shop’ for people with dementia and their carers has been launched by East Sussex County Council.
The authority has launched a Dementia Information Hub on its website, providing easily-accessible information and resources in one place.
Dementia prevalence in East Sussex is one of the highest in the country, but getting an early diagnosis and being supported to live well can help people continue to enjoy full and active lives.
The new information hub covers subjects from the start to the end of the dementia journey, including general information on the disease and details of services on offer in East Sussex.
It also includes links to other relevant sections of the county council’s website and other sites of interest such as the Alzheimer’s Society and NHS Our Health South East.
Cllr Bill Bentley, lead member for adult social care, said: “It’s very important that people living with dementia, and those who care for them, are able to access information about the range of dementia conditions and the support available to them in the county.
“The Dementia Information Hub does just that by offering a wide range of useful information in one place.”
The hub can be found online at