‘No shortfall in children’s care in Wokingham’

Chief executive insists the shortfall has been tackled after a report revealed more than 60 per cent of positions in its social services department were empty in the autumn

Vulnerable children are ‘receiving proper care’ despite findings Wokingham had the worst record of vacancies in social work in the country.

The borough council’s chief executive insisted the shortfall has been tackled after a report revealed more than 60 per cent of positions in its social services department were empty in the autumn.

Following think tank Policy Exchange’s report on Friday, chief executive Andy Couldrick said the figure is now closer to 20 per cent.

Wokingham fared worst from 155 authorities that responded to a Freedom of Information request.

The council’s child protection department was tainted with an ‘inadequate’ judgement from Ofsted in 2009 and Mr Couldrick feels the borough has been successfully recovering its reputation.

He said: “Our ability to recruit and provide qualified support means our vacancy problem has considerably eased. Our reputation is being restored.

“For years we’ve not had a child in care or need who hasn’t had an allocated worker.

“We are actively recruiting as we speak, including new posts.”

An Ofsted inspection in 2010 upgraded the service’s rating to ‘adequate’ and this level was matched in a review in 2012 – at a time when Mr Couldrick said half of all authorities were ruled ‘inadequate’.

Policy Exchange’s data, requested in September, found 18 vacancies in Wokingham’s social services team – the equivalent to 60.5 per cent.

Vacancies were defined as empty posts as well as temporary staff hired in from outside agencies.

Mr Couldrick said there are now just seven vacancies in the team – around 20 per cent of the total.

He added: “One issue about percentages is they fluctuate very quickly when you have a small authority.

“Maybe social workers had left because you can travel 20 miles and have several authorities to choose from. They are a scarce commodity so it’s easy for them to find work in a neighbouring authority.

“When you are suffering you lose staff and it takes time to rebuild.”

Last week’s report claimed the supply of social workers will not equal demand until 2022.

Mr Couldrick added: “When we were judged as inadequate in 2009 we wouldn’t take on any newly qualified workers until we had improved.

“Initially it was because it would be unsafe for them and for us.

“We now have eight relatively newly qualified social workers as part of a Government programme which provides initial training during their first year.

“This is good news for our staff and most importantly for the vulnerable children we have to support.

“There always will be turnover but we now have social workers who want to work in the Wokingham borough because they are more likely to stay and we can provide them with supervision and support.”

Older workers in the sector are leaving the profession, according to a Policy Exchange survey, with nearly three quarters complaining their caseloads are unmanageable.

Mr Couldrick continued: “I was once a social worker and it’s always been difficult work.

“With the adverse publicity that child protection tragedies attract the pressure is immense to get it right and make decisions at the right time.

“It’s a challenging and high pressure job. It’s also just about the most important thing we do.”