Kirklees Council criticised over state of Heckmondwike care home
A DAMNING report on a care home run by Kirklees Council has been issued today. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told the council who run Claremont House, in Brighton Street, Heckmondwike, that they must take immediate action to improve standards of care.
Kirklees has admitted standards have fallen and pledged to put right all the concerns highlighted by the Commission.
The report identifies the findings from CQC inspections carried out in February and March 2013 to follow up on improvements required at a previous inspection.
When they visited the home, CQC found that the council was failing to meet all seven of the national standards reviewed.
By law, providers of care services must ensure that they are meeting all standards.
Individual care plans reviewed by inspectors failed to show evidence whether people living at the home had given their consent to care and treatment.
Care records showed that some residents’ needs had not been adequately assessed, and care and treatment was not always being delivered in line with their individual care plans.
Inspectors were concerned that there were insufficient numbers of staff on duty to ensure that the needs of people living at the home were fully met or to provide activities for residents to take part in.
Not all staff had received up to date training in safeguarding and some people living at the home were being placed at risk of harm because staff were not carrying out hourly care checks through the night where this level of support was required.
Claremont House provides accommodation and personal care for up to 40 older people.
Malcolm Bower-Brown, CQC’s Regional Director for the North said: “The failings at Claremont House are a real concern and we have told the provider where immediate improvements need to be made.
“We continue to monitor the situation carefully and will not hesitate to take further regulatory action should this prove necessary to ensure the people using the service receive the service they are entitled to expect.”
Sue Richards, Kirklees’ Assistant Director for Adult Social Care said that all the required changes will be made and that the home has taken a positive approach to the points made by the inspectors.
“While we have fallen short of our usual high standards we are determined to do all that is needed to ensure people get the care and support they need and deserve.
“We are working closely with the Care Quality Commission to ensure we reach and go beyond the goals set. We consistently look to improve our standards in all the care homes we manage and we have put robust systems in place to concentrate on the areas of concern highlighted by the CQC.
“We were already aware of a number of issues at the home and, having been proactive in identifying them, we have been working to address them.
“We have written to families to reassure them the care and welfare of their relatives at Claremont House remains our top priority and we are discussing the report findings further with them.”