Labour group calls for scrutiny of Your Choice
Labour councillors are calling for a review of Your Choice Barnet following concerns about its financial stability.
Barnet Borough Council’s Labour group has called for a scrutiny review of the company in charge of adult social services after concerns that its decision to downgrade staff might affect the quality of the services it provides.
This downgrading involves the reduction of 28 support worker posts to eight and the creation of 20.5 assistant support worker posts.
Labour’s health and social care spokesman Councillor Barry Rawlings said: “These are vulnerable people who use Your Choice services, and we need to hear from parents and service users about their experience of the service.
“We should also take evidence from best practice elsewhere to make sure that we have the best possible service here in Barnet.”
Cllr Rawlings is submitting a member’s item to the next meeting of the authority’s business management overview and scrutiny committee on July 3 asking for a scrutiny task and finish group to be established on Your Choice.
This decision comes after members of the board of Your Choice walked out of a board meeting on Wednesday which was being lobbied by service users and their families concerned about the effects of downgrading staff, who argued they were not being properly consulted on Your Choice’s decisions.