What more needs to be done to support Scotland’s children and young people?

Measures aimed at making “Scotland the best place for children to grow up in” will be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee as it scrutinises the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill.

Committee Convener Stewart Maxwell MSP said: “The aim of this Bill is to make a difference to the lives of children in Scotland. Our Committee will examine the measures it contains and explore the areas covered by the Bill to ensure that Scotland really does become the best place to grow up in.

“We will consider the implications of the proposal to legislate for a rise in free early learning and childcare from 475 hours to a minimum of 600 hours per year and also look in-depth at the provisions to increase a child’s right to be heard through embedding the Getting it Right for Every Child approach.

“Given the Committee’s on going inquiry into looked after children we will be keen to hear views concerning the proposals in the Bill to improve permanence planning for looked after children.

“The Education and Culture Committee welcomes written submissions from all those with an interest in the Bill.”

The policy memorandum that accompanies the Bill states:

“It is the aspiration of the Scottish Government for Scotland to be the best place to grow up in. The objective of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill is to make real this ambition by putting children and young people at the heart of planning and delivery of services and ensuring their rights are respected across the public sector.”

Some of the aims of the Bill are as follows:

    Increase the amount of free early learning and childcare for 3 and 4 year olds from 475 hours a year to 600 hours;
    Ensure that children’s rights influence the design and delivery of policies and services;
    Provide for each child in Scotland to have a ‘named person’ as a way of improving the way that children are supported;
    Ensure better permanence planning for looked after children.

More information about the Bill can be found at:


The closing date for submissions is 26 July 2013.

Where possible, written submissions should be submitted electronically in word format to: [email protected]

Hard copy written submissions should be sent to:

Education and Culture Committee,
Room T3.40
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP