National Care Standards: Care Homes for Children and Young People
These standards are for children and young people who receive a service described in Section 2(3) of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 (‘the Act’) as one that ‘provides accommodation, together with nursing, personal care or personal support, for persons by reason of their vulnerability or need’. Residential care may be provided in different settings: a care home, often called a children’s home or young people’s centre, or a respite care home, a unit especially for short breaks. Children and young people may be resident in care homes for short periods, including respite care or short breaks, or in the longer term, with a view to moving on to adulthood and more independent living.These standards will also be taken into account by the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (‘the Care Commission’) in the registration and inspection of residential services for adults where adults have dependent children living with them.