Registration dates for Care at Home Managers announced
The Scottish Government has announced that the SSSC will open its register for Managers of Housing Support and Care at Home services on 17th January 2011.
Existing staff
The SSSC will be in contact shortly to advise of the actual dates when applications for registration should be made by existing staff in each of the prescribed groups of workers. The end date for registration for this group of workers will be 31 January 2014, after which date it will be an offence to employ a non-registered worker in these roles.
New staff
It is now a requirement that any new member of staff i.e. one who has never worked in the sector before, and is not registered with another regulatory body, must achieve registration within 6 months of commencing employment. This requirement will apply to any new member of staff, in the prescribed groups for registration, who commences employment after 17th January 2011
Please note that achievement of registration does not mean that the workers must have attained the qualifications required. Registration can be granted subject to the condition that the qualifications are achieved within a timescale, usually 3 years. Individuals already registered with another regulatory body, such as the GTCS or the NMC, do not need to register with the SSSC.
Qualifications for Registration:
For full lists of the qualification criteria, please visit the SSSC website .