GSCPF changes into the Social Care Ideas Factory

Glasgow Social Care Providers Forum is to relaunch as the Social Care Ideas Factory, with a commitment to focus on driving social change and transformation.

GSCPF currently represents over 100 provider organisations who deliver around 60% of Glasgow’s care services.

Director Charlie Barker said: “We have spent the last 18 months warning our members of the changes sweeping through the sector like welfare reform, personalisation, self directed support and of course looming budgets cuts.

“We’ve told them they have to change to survive in the new environment, and now it’s time for us to practice what we preach.”

GSCPF will evolve into the Social Care Ideas Factory over the next six months with a formal launch planned for next April.

Barker added: “This is not just a defensive move and we will continue to represent and lobby on behalf of our members.

“We believe we can make a real difference in driving social change, by providing help, support and advice to organisations coping with these pressures.

“Over 1,000 people took part in our Festival of Ideas last year which brought together our members their staff to work with individuals and organisations from outwith the sector.

“We believe that real change cannot be achieved in the silos of health and social care alone, but depends on a wide and diverse range of people, and we will widen our membership base to reflect that reality.

“We want to become leading lights in the business of driving social care and social transformation to ensure that those who need supports get what they need and desire to lead their best lives.”