Emotional appeal for new care facility on Millport
Islanders have set up a letter writing campaign to Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon. An emotional appeal has gone out from the Isle of Cumbrae to SNP Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon urging for a new care facility on the island as elderly husbands and wives have been ‘separated’
This is just one of the ‘repugnant’ issues which has developed since the closure of the last care home on Millport three years ago.
A letter writing campaign to MSP Ms Sturgeon has now begun on the island to urge the Scottish Government into a re-think over Cumbrae.
The letter states: “Since the last care home on the island shut three years ago more than 30 elderly residents, many of whom have lived their whole lives here, have been effectively “deported” from the island to care homes in Ayrshire and beyond. Spouses, who may be infirm themselves, are separated, family and friends left behind.
“This is repugnant and is hardly the sign of a caring society.
“Many fear referral to Social Services because they do not wish to be sent away from all that is familiar, and although Care in the Home is adequate, many stay on in their own homes far longer than is ideal for their own physical and mental well being.
“For three years the Isle of Cumbrae Elderly Forum has been campaigning for a Long-term Care Facility. It has been suggested that this could be attached to the GP-run, Lady Margaret Hospital, sharing resources such as catering, domestics and administration etc in a similar way to the schemes running successfully in Barra and Jura.
“Since its inception, the Forum has done much to help the elderly residents on the island, e.g. the voluntarily run lunch club which typically caters for 60 pensioners once a week. However, this hardly touches the needs of the elderly on the island, 42% of which (out of a population of 1400) are over 60 and 30% are over 75 years old.
“For your information, Cumbrae is one of the top 25% most deprived communities in Scotland.
“I urge you, please, to support this community in its fight to help its Elderly stay on their island.”
Secretary June Allison said: “The letters are in such places as the Garrison, P.O., Surgery, Caldwells, Marinas and we would ask EVERYONE to please take the minute or two it will take to fill one in.
“They can be returned to the place of signing or delivered to the Garrison where there is a blue box on the counter in the main hall.”