
Welcome to Care Appointments – The best in social care news, jobs & career advice The Suffolk scheme has drawn a lot of interest from other care providers.

There is some guidance on this issue in place across the UK, but in England and Wales governments say they are looking to produce stronger standards.

Gary Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of Action on Elder Abuse said: “ Not only do we encourage all care providers to sign up to a Good Hydration Charter, but we urge the Government and CSCI to take immediate action to ensure that good standards of hydration are the norm for all care home residents. This should include further research into the benefits of such hydration polices, along with serious consideration as to whether we need minimum standards around hydration that are similar to nutrition”

Fitzgerald continued, “It is amazing that something as simple and straightforward as water could have such wide benefits for care home residents, including a reduction in falls, better sleeping patterns and less agitation. However the benefits of good hydration policies would have much wider benefits, including reducing pressure on GP’s and other NHS services, if it was more widely implemented. Can we really afford not to take immediate action to ensure the continued good health and well being of care home residents?”